Selasa, 20 Agustus 2013


Assalamualaikum Wr Wb.

To the teachers who I respect, to my beloved friend, and everyone who attending in this place, first of all, let us praise and gratitude the presence of Allah SWT has bestowed grace to us so that we can all come together in this place.

Not to forget, I would like to thank Mrs Mimin Asmi S.Pd which has given me the opportunity to deliver a speech on Illegal logging.

My friends who I love, let us look around us, nature is the once green, now has changed a lot, we used forest look so beautiful in the distance, now lost somewhere destroyed.

All my friends that I love, may now only a story about it all, and nothing remains but the damage here and there. we only generation that could be affected by the greed of illegal loggers who without thinking to replant trees they cut.

Some government policies in the forestry sector both nationally and internationally in order to control the crime of illegal logging (illegal logging) issued since 2001 on combating the illegal Logging and forest across Indonesia.

The need to preserve forests
Forests that we have to be preserved so that our grandchildren can enjoy the forest that we have. We should not make use of random forests, forests that we have exhausted it will be a disaster threatened. In order to keep our forests sustainably, we must preserve it.
Ok, may be enough for me wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

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